During our hike with Bob, we encountered this possum sunning itself in a tree. This image is full-frame at 6000x4000 pixels. Although I have a number of film simulations available, I stayed with the Provia standard and post-processed the .jpg file by pushing the color saturation by 100% and applying an unsharp filter to, unintuitively, increase the sharpness even though the focus was good when I pressed the shutter release.

Full-frame possum

Though the exposure is good, the white fur of its head is burned out. When I took the shot, the camera produced both a RAW and a .jpg image. If I knew how to do so, I could fiddle with the RAW parameters using external software to adjust the high, low, and mid tones; it can be done in camera, but I haven't had time to play with it.

Here is a crop of the original .jpg at 870x885 pixels, without boost of color saturation. I did apply an unsharp filter and a color-level adjustment to ensure full gamut. For both images I resized the image from 72dpi to 96dpi, as I do for every image used in the newsletter.

Cropped possum